Back to The Matrix

Blazing Saddles is trending to a 5AM start time, as YHC was the only V starting at the regular 6AM start time. The regular pleasantries were exchanged, announcements and a…

Tribute to the Buffalo Victims

At 7:00 the five core principles and disclaimer were given.  We welcomed our newest PAX Diego, Joyride, to this mornings beatdown.  We then took off for a short mosey that…

Gator Bait

78 Degrees and Humid YHC announced that we would be running the Northern Loop, 6.2 miles, and the goal was to do a warmup mile together and then to complete…

Hamer Time – and a late Q

Weather: Hot and steamy YHC is outta his routine by not picking up Pincher to clown car to Hamer Time, so he arrived much earlier than normal..and was followed in…

Pinch Flat…

EC loop by Olympus, Trump, Ripken and YHC. But this time it was a little less for all of us than usual. Why cause YHC failed to be prepared…had a…

Running through SpiderWebs

Weather- Florida in late May; humid YHC rolled in around 5:12am and similar to last week’s posting, saw many of the unusual suspects.  Upon eyes actually focusing, Goob noticed Huey,…

Gridless Today

This Gloom, as usual on Tuesday we had an EC Loop. Consisting of Ripken, Trump, Fireball, Olympus, and YHC. No Gridlock but that’s ok official launch is 0600 but it…

The Unusual Suspects

YHC was a fill in for the Q today, but had the pleasure of leading the unusual suspects through the Big Loop. Bing, Crabcakes, Gridlock, Goob, DeFib, Enron, Yamaha being…

Gettin’ Shorty

At 0500, Pincher, Fireball, Trump and Ripken headed north and took a tour of future homesites.  Given it was dark, they all looked the same. The new course was good,…

Easy Easy…. For a select few

Weather- actually not bad; 65 and low humidity. Bing tried to ruin it by stating how great the mornings has been. Spinal Tap started running around 4:30am for some EC.…