Over the bridge and through the woods

Yamaha re-aggravated an injury, so the Q was open and YHC made it easy. Over the bridge, through the dark, spider web laden, wet sidewalk section into Waterlefe for 6ish…

Via Dolorosa, the Way of Suffering.

10:11 PM Lovely morning to share a beatdown but also some reflection with the PAX.  Disclaimer was uttered and 5 core principles announced.  No warm-o-rama today..  Today not only is…

Nothing Alarming Here

YHC had HC’ed for the EC loop as well as the usual loop. Well it helps if you turn your alarm on to make it on time. Thankfully the internal…

Head for the Hill (singular)

YHC arrived just a couple minutes before 6 with no other cyclists @ Wawa.  Suddenly 5 showed up all accumulating some EC with a 5AM start – nice work, men. …

On the Fly

Weather: Perfect Upon arrival, we were informed that our scheduled Q had jacked his car up..literally.  Somehow a jack was necessary to change a light bulb in his headlights.but I…

Not Your Typical Tuesday

Some of the typical Tuesday riders were out this week…No Enron, Crabcakes, or Bing. Due to their own reasons, they all got to miss an interesting gloom. YHC posted for…

Beautiful morning for a beatdown!

It was a beautiful morning at AP and 15 pax came out to discuss the madness of the men hoops tourney… Covered the 5 core principles, and gave the DISCLAIMER…

Take the DRP for a trip to the Matrix

Pre-blast: DRP PREP: Scouting exploratory ride 13-FEB WEATHER: 63F Arrived @ Wawa 5:58 with Cottontail waiting and Bing and Crabcakes just having finished the 5AM EC loop. Oh wait, there’s…

Crab Race

3 for an EC 5am loop, Crabcakes, Bing, YHC. There was some chatter about a desired pace, but someone wasn’t listening. It was decided that it would be a crab…

Testosterone Track

It’s pretty neat driving west on University at 0425 and seeing other cars with bikes attached….the mind immediate wonders if those crazy people are going to the same place you…