perfect weather for losing body weight

The weather was perfect this morning if your goal was to profusely sweat within seconds of walking out the front door.  Real feel was 91 degrees at launch (yep, that…

6 Year Anniversary – Stronger Together

Weather: Absolutely glorious The men of F3 Suncoast converged to celebrate 6 years for F3 Suncoast, and a celebration it was.  Betamax, Enron, Manziel, Crabcakes and YHC took on a…

No frills just long strides

YHC announced it would be a no frills kinda ruck, just a quick pace. YHC strolled down Lorraine while the Pax played catch up every few minutes and marveled at…

Fun With Coupons

The message was posted to slack – bring coupons…and coupons were brought…special thanks to our Bootcamp Q for bringing his sandbags for us.  We should have known better…one was 50…

Moist Monday

A gross 76 degrees with over 90% humidity. Saving grace was a nice breeze YHC passed the runners entering the plaza and arrived to find the legend, Spartan, stretching and…

ABSolutely stupid

The morning started with a few Pax partaking of some pre-work.  The weather was perfect, and the air was heavy with anticipation. We started with the 5CP and mission statement.…

Tow and Go

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“Playoff Ready”

Playoff Shape Workout Inspired by the NFL Prayer movement, the Dallas Cowboys place kicker, and the memories of old Friday Night Lights. Mission: F3 is a national network of free,…