Parking Deck of Pain

Weather:  is that a breeze?

QIC: Bing

Pax: Mopar, Coop, Bing, Papa Smurf, Clutch, Diesel, Slater, Lancelot, Lonestar

5:15 hit, disclaimer was shared and off we went for a short mosey to a parking garage for today’s warm-up and Thang.  Upon arriving at the entrance to the garage, COP ensued with the following:

  • Windmills x10IC
  • Imperial walkers x10 IC
  • Mountain climbers x10IC
  • Peter Parks x10IC
  • Squats x10 IC (Slow down on 3 – up on 4th count)

The parking deck awaits.  Seeing as YHC was celebrating my 4th anniversary of starting F3, 4 exercises were designated at each landing of the garage.  The pax would do 20 each of the following:

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • LBCs
  • Squats
  • Pax Choice

The 4th exercise was to be decided by each Pax, focusing on a body part that needed attention, or was not overly in pain from previous beatdowns.

Upon arriving to top of the pax admired the view from the top of the parking deck and then descended down the stairs and a short mosey back to the Unconditional Surrender statue.


The Moleskin:

YHC shared the short story of Fishstick’s EHing me while trying to enjoy some downtime at the neighborhood pool in SC as our 2.0s swam. With the final threat of being in my driveway in the gloom on an early Saturday morning, it was time for me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. YHC didn’t do core..I just ran, and how quickly this would change.  4 years later, that EH and day as an FNG has changed my life dramatically.  I’ve meet hundreds of great men, become stronger physically and spiritually, and have learned what it means to be a true high impact man.  As a pax recently told me, I never realized I was a sad clown.  Looking back, F3 is exactly what I needed in my life.  Thank you to all of the men who have joined me in this endeavor and I look forward to what the next 4 years has to bring!




  • Clearwater Launch on Saturday
  • Ronald McDonald House on 9/9
  • Lancelot mentioned a race at the end of September – Details to be posted


  • Safe travels and healing for Coop
  • For Diesel’s M and her continued progress with migranes
  • Other requests spoken and not spoken

Until next time –

~Bing Out