Monday Morning Madness

Weather: 49 and brisk.

Pax: Sniper (R), Chili Pepper, 6Pack, Bing

Thanksgiving week always brings the challenge of Pax heading down range for family vacations.  This didn’t stop 3 solid HIM from posting with me at the EchoChamber at the Adventure Park for a little Monday Morning Madness!

After an extended mosey around the parking lot to get the blood flowing, plus some Butt Kickers, High Knees and Karaoke (x2), we circled up for some pain.

  • SSH IC x40
  • Windmills IC x10
  • Mountain Climbers IC x10
  • Merkins OYO x15

The Thang:

In the darkness of the gloom, 8 cones were set up with exercises included under each.  The plan was to execute each exercise for 120 seconds, non-stop, and then run a lap around the cones.  The following exercises were included:

  • Freddie Mercury
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Flutters
  • LBCs
  • Merkins

2 minutes of LBCs just about did everyone in so a 10-count was called for.  Once the 10 count concluded, the pax took a run to the park entrance and back (roughly 1.25 miles) then concluded with a round of Mary:

  • Overhead Claps IC x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs IC x20
  • Wacky Jacks (30 seconds) – In honor of Ripken unable to attend
  • Burpees 20 OYO – Thanks Chili Pepper

Clearly out of breathe, the pax counted off and did Name-o-Rama.


  • YHC Sister-in-law with her appointment this week
  • Co-Worker of Chili Pepper
  • Those addicted to Opioids or any other addictions
  • The pax traveling
  • Cheesesteak – who was a HC for the gloom but clearly HC to the fartsack.

Great job, Pax.  It’s always an honor to lead this group!  Safe travels, 6Pack!