Longtime friends gathering

Clearwater F3 – 12/14/19

The Clearwater Pax gathered this morning for a nice beatdown, led by Spicy Chicken Latte. The weather in Dunedin was a cool and breezy 69 degrees. As we all met in the parking lot, there was an F3 member from Tallahassee (C-note) who was there to surprise his long-time pal, (FNG > Buckeye) for his initiation into the F3 Nation.

The Pax took a brief mozy from the parking lot to the central meeting spot of Highlander Park (picnic shelter) and began with a quick round of warm-ups:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Merkns x 15 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x 20 IC

Following the warm-ups, the Pax completed a 10 round session of AMRAP, referred to as the Circle of Death:

  • Burpee
  • 2 Jump-squats
  • 3 Merkins
  • 4 Mountain Climbers
  • 5 Side-Straddle Hops
  • Rest-repeat

Next was a series of Ab exercises:

  • Side-by-side planks (planking with one side raised to the sky) for 40 seconds each side
  • Big boy sit ups for 40 seconds
  • Leg raises for 40 seconds

Following the Circle of Death, we moved directly into the Thang:

The Thang consisted of a series of exercises followed by a quick run out to a tree and back and then repeat:

  • 10 Hamstring lifts (each leg x 10)
  • 15 Frogger Jumps (forward/backward and touching group =1)
  • 20 Side Lunges (each side touch ground)
  • 25 Lunge Pulse each side
  • 30 Step-Ups on bench and back down (15 each leg)
  • Run then repeat

As time came to a close, the Pax circled for the Circle of Trust. A name-a-rama, introduction/naming of FNG, then prayer requests and closing prayer to close.


1 thought on “Longtime friends gathering”

  1. Thanks for the hospitality gentlemen, and also for the welcoming of my buddy Chuck “F3-Buckeye” into the PAX !!


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