Lightening Show Monday

Conditions  81 degrees, 80%+ humidity and dark. Also, a great lightening show and the Pax was safe!

Mozi We did 2 laps around the lot including Nur, high knees, butt kickers an kerioke.

Warmup We warmed up with SSH, Michael Phelps, arm circles, Merkins and BBSs

The Thang

We jogged a mile stopping every 1/4 mile to do 3 exercises 20 each that included merkins, lbcs, squats and on the final 1/4 10 burpees.

We repeated a second mile stopping every 1/4 mile to do 15 wide merkins, 15 Big boy crunches and 20 mountain climbers counting 1 leg. And again on the final 1/4 we did 10 burpees.


Lennox is here!

Manziel’s wife had a good Finnish in a Tri race

Thanks for letting me lead!