Hot Laps and Pain

Weather: 55 and perfect

A much smaller than usual Wednesday crew was ready to take on a challenge, so we took off for a few laps around the bus lot including the usual warm up exercises of high knees, butt kickers and karaoke x2.

COP included the following:

  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Mountain climbers x15 IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC
  • SSH x30 IC

The Thang

After a mosey to the other side of the school, to the larger parking lot, the nastiness was unveiled. Partner up with partner 1 running the large lap in the lot ( .25 miles) while partner 2 started the following, Dora Style:

  • Rockettes (leg kicks while in people’s chair position) x 100
  • Big Boy Sit up with feet up on wall x200
  • Carolina Dry Dock x300

While moseying back, we took the opportunity to use two walls about 15 ft apart to partner up again. Partner 1 wall sits while the other bear crawls to the other wall, 10 Merkins and bear crawl back. Each partner did 5 sets. With more time available, we repeated the same, with lunge walks and 10 monkey humpers.

The mosey was completed with no time left on the clock.


  • AO change to Adventure park on Saturday
  • Men’s night, Friday night. Be there


  • YHC’s sister in law
  • Co-worker of Sniper who lost home due to a fire
  • Jimmy Dean’s buddy Greg
  • Chili Pepper’s friend who had a heart attack and is in a coma
  • Our country