Conditions: 80 and humid…. getting so old. Another 3-weeks of nasty.  And yet we posted 16+.

Mozi usual lap around bridge w Nur, kerioke, high knees and butt kickers


SSH, Strawberry pickers, Phelps, arm circles and bad back stretches.

We did some 20 yard sprints on the football count.  This pax group was too tired to listen to the count, so we went right to the Thang.

Big Day/Week for Gridlock who will be competing in the Boston Marathon 

The Thang

Here we go… u can thank Sniper for this one….

100 LBCs

10 Burpees

90 Mountain climbers

9 burpees

80 Squats

8 burpees

70 Freddy Mercurys

7 burpees

60 lunges

6 burpees

50 Imperial Walkers

5 Burpees

40 Merkins

4 burpees

30 Arm Circles

3 Burpees

20 Heels to Heaven

2 burpees

10 SanFranciscos

1 burpee

** between each set the pax had to do a loop around half the tower.


Congratulations to Gridlock!!! Boston Marathon Baby!!!

Gridlock 25 years of marriage!

Coffee at Starbucks on Tuesday

Prayers for Bubbles pregnant wife! 3rd … on the way.

Desani’s wife cousin  brain surgery.

2.0 cross country meet!

South America sufferings

JD out.