GQ from Toledo – Thursday Virtual Weinke


Thursday – 2 Pillars – Unconditional Surrender

PAX –  Jennay (Virtual Q), Due to social distancing, this workout is to be done OYO (or with family/friends) at Virtual AO

Opening –

Mission Statement

  • To plant, server, and grow small men’s workout groups to reinvigorate male community leadership.

5 Core Principals

  • Always Free
  • Open to all men
  • Always outdoors
  • Lead in a rotating fashion by members of the group.
  • Always ends in a circle of Trust.

Remember the concept of You vs. You. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

The Thang

Create 2 spots about 30 yards apart. You’ll be using these spots for the beatdown and running back and forth in between. This workout is designed to keep your heartrate up for the entirety so there is lots of movement. Below are the exercises for each station.

  • 20 Bonnie Blairs
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 20 High Knees
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Tuck Jumps
  • 20 Plank Jacks
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Yard Sprint
  • Repeato 3X (2X @ each Location total)

Ended with C-O-A, N-O-A, the 6, Announcements and closed w/ C-O-T.

The 6 – I’ll volunteer to be the 6 for this Virtual Q. The 6 is something we do in the Toledo Region to continue to get to know different members of the group. After the C-O-A, whoever is number 6 will come into the middle of the group and provide answers to the following questions..

  • Who EH’d You? – A guy named Mary Lou out of Sylvania who I worked with and told me about it when he was getting up at 3 AM on a Saturday to do a 13 hour ruck…I was intrigued.
  • How did you get your name? – When I first started about 2 years ago, I wasn’t quite sure what the whole thing was about. We did Merkins, side straddle hops, and other named exercises that I figured must be a military thing. When we came to Lt. Dan’s I figured that must be one of the guys… I asked who Lt. Dan was and Jennay immediately became my name!
  • What keeps you coming back? – The group continues to push me to be my best physically, mentally, and spiritually. I grow everyday that I get to be around the men of this group and get to have real conversations about life – the stuff that really matters. I know that you all have my back and would not skip a beat to help a brother out.