Good Things Happen in Detroit, Sometimes

Date: 10/14/2019

Weather: 72 degrees, clear, full moon

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Bullseye, Crabcakes, Goob, Lambeau, Manziel, Pincher, Ripken, Shamwow, Trump, Wilson

So I know you’re thinking, WTF is that title? Read on.

At 5.15, the mission and core principles of F3 were shared, followed by the disclaimer. Because the disclaimer is normally so depressing, YHC decided to add some advice for those who don’t have to modify, reflecting what I learned when I started college: if it feels good, do it. The reactions of the pax indicated that they all went to schools that were way down near the bottom of the annual rankings of party schools. They also didn’t eat Skyline Chili every day in college like I did, so their loss.

We started with a mozi down to the area by the dog park with butt kickers, high knees, carioca x2 and nur. The COP was in the parking area for the dog park and featured SSH, imperial walkers, strawberry pickers, hillbilly walkers, Michael Phelps and arm circles. We did an Indian Run (in honor of Columbus Day, obviously) back up the road to the pavilion, grabbed our drinks and headed over to the Echo Chamber for the main event.

At the Echo Chamber, the famous Board of Pain was there, but not for the usual reasons. This time, YHC had prepared a mega-Dora and used the Board to help us keep track of the exercises. We all partnered up and went through the following list, with the partner not doing the exercises running to the white posts in the trail:

  • 100 Lunges
  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 American Hammers
  • 200 SSH
  • 150 Carolina Drydocks
  • 100 Monkey Humpers

We had time for a quick round of 7s, doing big boy situps on one side and hand release merkins on the other. Ripken was given the honor of choosing the one exercise for the one-minute Round of Mary, and picked crabcakes. That is a real exercise, look it up.


  • Ragnar shirt order is live, because most of us don’t have enough F3 shirts
  • We are nearly 100% funded for the big F3 tent that we can take places (including Ragnar). Donate $25 or more, get a $25 gift card to Pincher’s.
  • October 19, Bring on the Ministry bingo fundraiser in Palmetto
  • Buddy Walk @ Hunsader- if you use the south entrance, all proceeds go to the Buddy Walk – there is some confusion on the date, Goob’s recent backblast had it on the 26th, but some this morning thought it was the 19th so someone please post the right day!

Prayers & Praises:

  • Ripken’s father in law, dealing with cancer
  • First responders, police, firefighters and troops
  • Father Steve (Bing’s brother and Shamwow’s 2.0) recovering from large intestine surgery. As if that’s not enough, he had his car stolen on Saturday, but at least it was recovered and returned on Sunday, which prompted Shamwow to point out that good things happen in Detroit…sometimes.* Of course, I could have told you that just from having watched 8 Mile a long time ago.

* Editor’s note: “Sometimes” becomes “extremely rare” during football season

Manziel out.