Complaints and Compliments

Weather: 59 degrees perfect weather for a Monday morning beatdown

QIC: CrabCakes

Pax: Bing, Ripken, Shamwow, Lambeau, Manziel, BigMac, Trump, Goob, Stagecoach, Lancelot, Sir Wallace, DaVinci, Bubbles, Drake, Thor

0515am rolled around and it was time to get the morning started. The formalities were covered and the 2 lap mosey started.  Mosey included NUR,  Karaoke X2, butt kickers high knees, and ended outside the pavillion for COP.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x10IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x8IC
  • Mountain Man Poopers x5IC
  • Mountain Man Pooper Video link:
  • Forward and reverse arm circles

The Thang:

First up was a Lazy DORA:

An estranged and despised relative of Dora 1-2-3. Partner up. Partners perform 100 Carolina Drydocks, 200  American Hammers, & 300 Gorilla Humpers as a team. Here’s the catch…no running. P1 starts with 10 while P2 planks, then switch. Continue switching between CD’s and plank until 100 total CD’s reached. Next, while P1 does 20 AM’s, P2 performs a 6″ leg hold until P1 is finished, then switch. Continue switching until all 200 AM’s are completed. Finally, P1 does 25 Gorilla Humpers while P2 does a wall sit, then switch. Continue switching until 300 total Gorilla Humpers are completed.  Not sure we’ll do Gorilla Humpers again….Ripken or BigMac can fill you in on that but it’s probably safer to ask Ripken…..unless you’re a visual learner than you should ask BigMac.

It was during this portion of the beatdown when the beginning of the mumble chatter started but was quickly laid to rest by Lambeau.  Lambeau politely, in his own way, encouraged other PAX members to sign up for some of the open Q’s.

Next up was a traditional DORA 1-2-3

Teams of 2 Pax working together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 150, 250, and 350 reps. Pax 1 executes as many reps as possible while Pax 2 runs a lap around the parking lot.  Flapjack until team goal is reached. Exercises are a top-to-bottom of body progression, i,e, 150 merkins per team (chest), 250 LBCs per team (core), 350 squats per team (legs).

Drake crushing the workout took time to compliment the QIC on the playlist….share his love for the original Van Halen but not the Sammy Hagar led VH.

The PAX concluded the beatdown with an abbreviated set of 11’s.  Lunges on one side and overhead claps on the other.

The beatdown ended promptly at 0600 for COT.


  • GrowRuck – Get registered
  • Brutus Run this evening at Panther Ridge
  • 2nd F event this Wednesday, 2/26


  • Praise for Sniper and his retirement from the Sniper team after 13 years of service to the team
  • Praise for so many of the PAX that rallied around Drake over the last few days
  • Sarah and Lori with their cancer treatments
  • Prayers for Thor’s 2.0, having a couple teeth pulled today.
  • Prayers for I-Spy and his family
  • Prayers for Drake’s son as he transitions into a new learning environment

Thank you again to everyone who came out this morning.  It was great to have 15 PAX together to start the week….

Here’s to the next time,
