“Embrace the Ruck”

Pax- Lancelot, Snapshot, Clutch, & Seagal

56°, Cool and breezy

5:15,  After the 5 core principles were recited and  mozied down the  parking lot & around the Surrender Statue, with some High Knees, and butt kickers.  4 of us  circled up for some warm-ups and stretching.  SSH and Imperial Walkers and some basic leg stretching were done.

The Rucking Thang- With Ruck Sacks in place, headed out towards the Bridge. The Ruck included some fellowship, but most of all, an introduction to Rucking, the history, more details on the various types of rucking, the purpose and how it plays into the principles of what F3 Strive for.

Much of the values and core aspects of F3 and Rucking play into the leadership and strengths of what we all want to get out of both.  Like F3, You get out of Rucking what you put into it. Learned, that there are no set weight requirements, it depends on the individual and what events are involved, there are distance Rucking and there are more OCR type rucking.

Enjoyed the fellowship that comes with  Rucking. Big team effort. We covered about 3 miles, over the bridge and back.

at 6am, circled up for COT


  • Jan 4th Convergence at AP, 7 am.
  • Jan 25th- Sniper’s Clay Shoot for a good cause
  •  Feb 15th – Bridge of Life Race


  • Snapshot’s daughter making it safely home back to Nashville
  • Ripken’s M and Trane’s M
  • All Pax faced with challenges , mental and physical
  • First responders, police, military whom keep us safe


As always, honored to lead these Men to become Stronger, physically & Spiritually,

Blessings to all,    Lancelot