Dora the Destroyer and Her Mighty Pax

What a beautiful morning for a beatdown. 9 Pax did not fartsack and started their weekend off well.


Moseyed the long way around to the back field where warmorama commenced:

  • Windmills
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Side Straddle Hop
  • Merkins
  • FLR & Side FLR
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Downward Dog & Runner’s Stretch


  • 10 Squats per HIM one at a time while Pax hold Al Gore
  • 10 Merkins per HIM one at a time while Pax hold FLR
  • 10 Leg lifts per HIM one at a time while Pax hold 6 Inches

The Thang

Dora (partner pairs; add 25% reps for extra partner):

Partner 1 runs Granny Hill while Partner 2 accumulates reps until Partner 1 is done:

  1. 100 Merkins
  2. 200 Leg Scissors
  3. 300 Reverse Lunges

** #Sufferfun — if Lions Roared at anytime, Pax were to drop and complete 10 burpees………Unfortunately Lions Roared before and after The Thang but not during. Prayer does work.


Nameorama welcomed 2 FNGs this week: Chipper and Chi Town. Welcome to the fold, fellas!


  • Operation Sweet Tooth Toy Collection happening at all Southwest FL Region AOs. Don’t forget to grab a wooden or plastic toy to bring for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.
  • GoRuck Light February 10 in Orlando, followed by Scavenger for you and your M – see Kotter or the Facebook Mumbler Chatter page for details
  • Mr. Clean’s Mother is fighting illness