Cycling or Swimming

Weather: 70’s and dry to start…but then it changed

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Sniper, Cottontail

With many pax downrange, attendance was light, but the pace was not!  Sniper, Cottontail and YHC took off down Lorraine, crossed over University, and the winds hit and skies opened up.  It rained, rained more, and even more.  We made it to Fruitville in good time, turned back and dried up as soon as we hit University again.  Distances around 20 miles were completed with a solid pace for all.  No announcements were shared, and we all prayed to make it back safely, which we did with the grace of Sky Q!

It is always an honor to ride with a group of guys who push you to become stronger and faster.  But it is also wise to NOT trail too closely behind when riding in a few inches of rain.  AND stay away from the drains as the puddles form nicely there.

For those who were missing today..get back soon!!

~Bing out.