Cycling More or Sleeping More?

PAX, you all know well by now that sleep is overrated for most of us, AKA 3:44. That was solidified once again coming from our fearless (sleepless) leader Mr. Bing when he posts on GroupMe…”Anyone up for some extra miles and a 5:30 launch, we can circle back at 6″. YHC ignored this, on purpose, I had an easy excuse. Trump is meeting me for a 6 am launch time, as he’s continuing to borrow the extra set off wheels for now. However in a turn of events YHC wasn’t going to get off that easy, just about an hour later Trump texts, ‘What time we meeting tomorrow Pincher? 5:20 or 5:45.” That felt like a nice fielded question, it’s just slightly obvious Trump feels like some extra miles…Sure Trump, I’m in if you are. Shortly followed by a “Bing, I’ll see you at my house for a 5:30 launch with Trump” now in the GroupMe thread, lol.


Bing, Trump, and YHC head out for about a 10 mile ride, including a stretch down Hidden River Rd. Nothing like having a deer run out in front of your bike as it crosses the road. “Why did the deer cross the road? To scare the crap out of Pincher and Bing, as we prayed there wasn’t any more coming for Trump slightly behind us. We meet back at the normal meeting ground, WaWa and thankfully road kill free, to meet up with Brutis and Manziel.

We did our usual route cycling back for the 6 as needed. Finishing off with anywhere from 13 miles to 30+ miles logged. Missed all those who couldn’t attend today that usually do. Don’t worry Ripken we managed to make our own draft.