Unconditionally Cold

Five HIM braved the cold fridged weather of 44 degrees and a stiff breeze this morning at Unconditional Surrender.
We did a few stretching exercises and off we went to a parking garage.
After the  mosey to the garage, on level one we did 10 each of strawberry pickers, side straddle hops and windmills.
On to level two, we did 10 merkins then bear crawled to the next flat.  We then NUR back and we did this three times.
Level three was 10 merkins, ran to the flat followed by 10 Carolina dry docks. We also did this three times.
Level four we did 30 second wall sits, ran to the flat followed by 10 wall presses.  We also did this three times.
Level five we did 10 Freddie Mercury’s ran to the flat level and did 10 heels to heaven. We also did this three times.
On the way back down the garage, at each level we did the exercise that we had performed on the way up at that level.
This left us with about six minutes before going back to the Statue. So we did a small round of Mary which consisted of burpees, toy soldiers, squats, imperial walkers, Moroccan nightclubs-overhead clap-seal clap jacks.
We mosied back to the statue, we circled up for Name O Rama.
Praise for us to get out here in this cold weather and stretch ourselves when we could.
Prayers for our First Responders and all traveling this holiday season.
The message today was basically doing it on the fly. I had planned something different but because of the blustery conditions I made a game change and moved to the parking garage, and kind of did this workout off the cuff.  Everyone said they liked it! I really enjoy working out with these guys obviously or else I would not be doing it.

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