Christmas Presence


Couldn’t of asked for a more perfect morning, 61 degrees of bliss


2 laps around the parking lot, High Knees, Butt Kickers, and Karaoke along the way. Followed by Side Straddle Hops, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, and Merkins.


There is a clear difference between presents and presence as many of us learned this past week. It was an honor, as always, to be in the presence of our fellow PAX this gloom. However YHC did bring a present to share with those who were stirred out of fartsack this gloom, sorry you missed yours Bing. We split the PAX into teams of two, theres no better time of year to share, you know. YHC took the top off the pretty little Christmas gift box, provide by his M, and to the amazement of the Pax they got to pull a 5 letter Christmas inspired word from within. Examples of these drawn words were Jesus, Trees, Bells, Merry and the good list goes on, but that was as far as all the Christmas cheer went, as the Pax soon discovered those letters represented a Dora Style beatdown. There was a list of exercise assigned to each letter of the alphabet, the first letter was worth 50 reps, the second 100, 150, 200, and finally 250, now I believe you get the Christmas spirit. There was no Ho Ho Ho, it was more like Ah, Owe, No, as were where off and away. One Pax did the reps while the other ran with glee, now we didn’t have the speed of old St. Nick. so just one lap around the parking lot would have to service, rotating through the entirety of their 5 letter word. Those who finished early earned the pleasure to pull yet another.

Praises and Prayer:

ShamWow and his Ms good news

Goob guidance through the proper direction to follow as work choices present themselves

Ripken’s M and His business partner, that they both have the best outcome with the recently received news

Quickdraw and his health recover, that he too will soon be in our presence.

Thank you all for the accountability, Pincher out.