Blackjack and the house loses!!!!

The weather was upper 60’s.

At 5:15 YHC reviewed the 5 core principles to the other PAX in attendance and started a 2 lap mosey around the parking lot.  The mosey included high knees, butt kickers. carioca to both sides and a NERThe 16 PAX completed a round of Moroccan Nightclubs, Michael Phelps, and forward/reverse arm circles.

YHC shared with the PAX that he previously loved playing BlackJack but quickly realized that he was working too hard to be losing at a silly game.  YHC shared that he was reviewing the Exicon over the weekend and discovered that there was a BlackJack workout.  You can imagine how excited I was to be able to play the game again.


Start on the sideline of the parking lot by the picnic tables and perform 1 Merkin – run to other side of the parking lots – perform 20 LBCs. Run back and do 2 Merkins. Run back for 19 LBCs. Repeat until you do 20 Merkins and 1 LBC, running between the sidelines. Always adds up to 21 – BLACK JACK!

Round 2:

Tricep Dips


At 0600 the PAX came together for the COT which consisted of prayer requests for the M’s of Ripken and Trane, Also, Prayers were requested for Goobs friend Ben, Prayers for Vivi ,  daughter of a friend of Mugsy who is suffering from cancer, prayers for Posh as he heads to England for his father’s ceremony, prayers for Shamwow’s family, Bing traveling and Deborah recovering from knee surgery.  Prayers for the surgeon and the team operating on Sarah today.  Praise to the GateKeepers for healing Trump.


SuperHero 5K

GrowRuck: Dates and information on the Ruck Sack Rental

Thanks for coming out this morning Gents!!