Morons and Metallica
At precisely 5:15am, Goob announced it was time to start the beatdown. Once he figured out there were no FNG’s, he quickly ran through the 5 core principles- highlighted by…
Formerly Dixieland
At precisely 5:15am, Goob announced it was time to start the beatdown. Once he figured out there were no FNG’s, he quickly ran through the 5 core principles- highlighted by…
18 Pax for 5th day of the Chilipepper week of beatdowns. Pax gathered at top parking lot, 5 core principles and disclaimers were shared and Mozy incorporating… Super Sexy 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Pickle Pointers, 10…
Truly the gloom, some shadows cast by the light of the starts. Temp nice, 75, humidity 90. Five Core Principles were reviewed and disclaimers were made. Day 1 of Chilipepper…
75F with 99% humidity Todays Message: Pray for those who are against you. Like Jesus said on the cross, forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. They…
This workout was shamelessly borrowed from one called “Minutes” from F3 The Fort. We did one exercise for one minute followed by a ten second rest. Then another exercise for…