Alligator Safe!


76 degrees and clear skies. Very GLOOMY! The Q almost eaten by an alligator.  Only the brothers who posted know the real story.

The Mosey/warm up

Since we had 2 FNGs we had to do an audible on the mosey warm up…. So, up the Finnish tower we went.  Once the pax made it to the top and all were accounted for we did a quick warmup.

SSH,Strawberry pickers, windmills and BBS.

The Thang

We headed down the south trail for a mile stopping every quarter of a mile to do 20 of the following exercises.



Air squats

At the southern point of the mile everyone was able to take break from the exercises mentioned above and do 10 burpees and then wait on the 6.

Heading north returning to the Finnish tower we stopped every qtr mile and did 10 of the following exercises.

Negative merkins

Negative crunch w/ lift

Monkey Humpers

In summary we ran over 2 miles, 90 Merkins, 90 abs,90 lower body.

Another beatdown in the books.



Care to Try 11/3

Rocky mentioned SRQ Music Marathon 2/4/19

Savage race 11/3

Welcome FNG Scott Vaness (False Start)

FNG Eric Price (Nomad)


Hercules has lost over 40lbs since joining the F3 brotherhood!

Pax continues to grow w great people


All effected by Flo.