77 “Degrees of Separation” for 7 on the 7th

77 , Crisp & Cool

Q: Lancelot

5 Core Principals

Mozzi consisted of  High Knees, Butt Kickers, Keriokies, Toy Soldiers

Warming up:

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Stretches for legs and hamstrings

… and now the “Bridge Thang”

Starting at the base,  Every 4th Light:

10 – Merkins        20 LCBs       30  Squats

At the Top, Run back to the base of the bridge and Repeat.


Praise & Prayers:

Upcoming Races,

Dec 12th Salvation Army Christmas Party

Dec 17th, Ronald McDonald House ,  St Pete


Prayers for Snapshot’s M , Michelle for her upcoming Surgery, and Diesels’ M, as well

All First Responders, Military, and Pax who are having challenges, Physically and Mentally.



Enjoyed the Fellowship w/ the Gang from Downtown, beautiful start of the day!  -lancelot