30 60 90 for 2019

9 regulars 1FNG and 1 hardcore who drove 45 minutes = Mr Clean

What a great start to the new year!!

The Mosey

3 labs around the parking lot.

The Circle up for 30 60 90

We decided to do merkins, squats and leg lifts 30 60 90 style.

20 SSH

10 cotton pickers

The Thang

Triple Check  2 cycles

Run and LBCs and Merkins the runner than push around the track the next Pax member in line.

3 rounds

Next Cycle

Run 2 labs than squats, leg lifts and run 2 laps

50 yard sprints x 3

Finished with 1 minute of Mary


Minutes:  Ragnar teams wanted for Dec 6-7 sign up or talk to Bing.

Coming up in Feb we have several events and community service opportunities see the newsletter.

Well gents this was a great way to kick off 2019 thanks for showing.

Prayers for Diesel’s wife and her spine to heal and other pax members family we hold them in love and light!!!

Flash over and out!!!