100 Burpee club

Olympus on Q

Beautiful morning, we gathered in the pavilion and noticed a few new faces, some FNGs some visitors from other sites. After disclosing the 5 F3 core principles, we wasted no time and started the beatdown. MOSI around the soccer field so everyone is aware that yes, we will be at the soccer field and yes, we will be on the ground and get wet. Between jogs, we incorporated side shuffle, karaoke, nur, toy soldiers (x10), knee to chest (x10), ankle to chest with knee out (x10), lean forward in one leg and stick another leg back and up (x10), bear crawls and walking hamstring stretch.  Those who have previously been to some of my beatdowns seemed pretty happy that I did not do germans or running drills…it was too early of a celebration. We did some A Skips and B Skips. Germans were about to come. Warm-up is done.


The stacked (ascending/descending) ladder involved 5 exercises

  1. Burpees (1 min.)
  2. Salsa Dips(1 min.)
  3. Germans (short swim. long swim, push the rock, open/close arms/legs, up/down arms/legs (1 min.)
  4. Shoulder taps(1 min.)
  5. Moutain climbers(1 min.)

So we did:

  • 1 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2,3 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2,3,4 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2,3,4,5 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2,3,4 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2,3 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1,2 (run to the fence and back)
  • 1 (run to the fence and back)

Pretty clear, right. The idea was try to make it to the 100 burpee club by the end of the beatdown. Forgot to ask Chillipepper how many he did but I am pretty sure he made a club of his own…


Prayers for those pax members going through multiple struggles/injuries.  Passport, and Daikinf farm brother. First responders, military and those pax dealing with addiction, health issues, demons, etc.

Welcome T-Bone and Brady to the pax!

Olympus, adios.