Winter is Coming

It’s 5:15 am and it’s 59 degrees, the first cold weather workout heading into fall and winter and hoping for more weather like this. Everyone showed up with a long sleeve and/or sweat shirts.


Pax: Bing, Ripken, Sniper, Mr. Clean, Jimmy Dean, Gump (FNG), Underdog


We had 1 FNG in the gloom, Bing gave the disclaimer and after a small conversation about shirt orders, a little Mosey we went.



  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs – 20 IC
  • Windmill – 10 IC
  • Squats – 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers – 20-21? IC


The Thang:

We took advantage of the cold weather and started some circuit training.

  • Main Course 1
    • Bear Crawl 20 steps
    • Run 1 lap (~1/4 mile)
    • 20 Merkins
    • 20 Jump Squats
    • 20 LBC’s
    • Rinse and Repeat 3 times
  • Main Course 2
    • Sprint up 100 yard hill
    • 5 Burpees
    • Mosey downhill
    • 20 Pause Squats
    • Rinse and Repeat 4 times
  • Dessert 1
    • 5 Squats
    • 5 Merkins
    • 5 LBC’s
    • 5 Carolina Dry Docks
    • 5 Heels to the Heavens
    • Rinse and Repeat 5 times
  • Unexpected Dessert 2
    • Round of 7’s of Merkins and Lunges

Sniper and Ripken gave Underdog a run for his money during the whole beatdown and finishing the Round of 7’s with an extra lap.

Please welcome FNG: Gump


  • Gump is getting married on November 18th. Congrats!
  • Continue and always pray for our country.
  • All unspoken prayers.


Shout out to Sniper’s encouraging words of keeping God the center of our marriage and communication.