Winter Ain’t Coming, It’s Here

Weather: 42 degrees, clear, dark

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Goob, Manziel, ShamWow, Stage Coach, Trump

F3 is always held outside, even in the cold. Around here, when it hits 42 degrees, the “it just got cold” ship sailed long ago. In unrelated news, we’re total wimps.

Still, several pax rallied themselves out of the fartsack for a Manziel beatdown instead of hanging out with everyone at LA Fitness who had managed to hang on to their New Years Resolutions for more than 3 days. We got through the dumbed down versions of the core principles and disclaimer – way too cold for the details – and headed out for a mozi with the usual carioca x2, butt kickers, high knees and nur, and an extra lap added in for a lame attempt to keep us warm. The pax all followed me, so they must have liked my pace.

On to the Echo Chamber, where we had a COP with SSH, strawberry pickers, windmills, LBCs and Captain Thors. Stage Coach had never done Captain Thors before, and spent the rest of the workout raving about how awesome they are.* The main event was the Board of Pain – as usual, exercises stacked into groups of 2. Do the first set of two, run out to the poles and do 10 imperial walkers, run back and do the first set and second set, run back to the poles and do 10 more imperial walkers, and so on until you get through the whole board.

10 Diamond Merkins
15 Monkey Humpers

20 Shoulder Taps
25 Salsa Dips

30 Freddie Mercury
30 Overhead Claps

25 Carolina Drydocks
20 Leg Raises

15 Plank Jacks
10 Lunge Walk (10 each leg)

We all got through the board so quickly, we had time to repeat the entire board one more time. And just like that, 6.00 arrived and not a minute too soon.


  • 21 days of prayer & fasting starting today – see new GroupMe channel for more
  • GrowRuck, first weekend of April

Praises & Prayer requests:

  • Ripken’s M
  • Trane’s M
  • Goob’s friend in Wilmington
  • I Spy, his M and baby
  • Troops, firefighters, police & first responders

Manziel (thawing) out.

* It was early, memory on that might be hazy.