Wild at Heart Preblast

Every man was once a boy.  And every little boy has dreams, big dreams,  dreams of being the hero, of beating the bad guys, of doing daring feats and rescuing the damsel in distress. Every little girl has dreams, too: of being rescued by her prince and swept up into a great adventure, knowing that she is the beauty.

But what happens to those dreams when we grow up? Walk into most churches, have a look around, and ask yourself: What is a Christian man?  Without listening to what is said, look at what you find there. Most Christian men are . . . bored.

Wild at Heart, invites men to recover their masculine heart, defined in the image of a passionate God.

Beginning Saturday September 22 we will start reading Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. We will meet at 6:15am at Adventure Park and Celery Fields. The group at Celery Fields will be discussing the book while Rucking. You can get the book on Amazon for about $10, 1 day delivery. You could also get the kindle edition or whatever you prefer. If you cannot afford the book, please reach out to me (Sparky) and I will get you a copy. If you have the book before this Saturday 9/22 please read the introduction, it is only 3 pages. I would also like you to research some places in the bible where instructions are given for how men should behave. I would like to suggest Ephesians 5 as one source, but there are plenty more. Let the group know on Saturday what you find. I am looking forward to growing stronger spiritually together with all of you! See you Saturday!