Unconditional Surrender

Weather:  Hot with storms all around, but not a single drop of rain at the AO.

Mission: Perform a recognizance mission on the Ringling Bridge, downtown Sarasota.  The growth of F3 Suncoast continues, and the need to add a running/bootcamp AO is strong.  Plus, with the entrance of Flashdance into the Pax, the need to push further ‘south’ continues.  5 men rose up from the fartsack to test out this AO.  The mission was a success!

The Pax met up at the foot of the Unconditional Surrender statue and headed straight for a run on the Ringling Bridge.  When at the top of the bridge and the other side of the bridge we stopped to do a series of exercises including incline merkins, dips, derkins, etc.  Pretty much anything we could find to do in this great location.

Next step in the mission was a run around Bird Key Park which offers an enormous amount of beatdown opportunity including light post runs, ball runs (you’ll have to see it to understand), parking benches, picnic tables, you name it, it was there.  Diesel fell in love with some sort of metal structure for pull-ups, derkins and whatever else he found himself doing with it.

Photo clearly not taken during the gloom.

After a number of exercises were performed, the pax headed back up over the bridge for COT.

The recon mission team in front of the Unconditional Surrender Statue in Sarasota, FL


  • AO will officially start the first Thursday of August. 8/2, 5:15a
  • Site Q will be Flashdance
  • AO will be a combined running and Bootcamp AO.  A Q will be scheduled for the bootcamp.  Attending Pax can also choose to spend the 45 minutes running. The choice is yours.

One goal of F3 is to end sad clown disease amongst men.  When you are ready to unconditionally surrender your status of Sad Clown, F3 and this is the AO is for you. The AO will be called Unconditional Surrender.    We have high hopes for this AO to help us continue to grow into Sarasota and parts south. Be sure to add this to your weekly beatdown plans, and for any pax traveling to Siesta Key or any of our fine beaches, this is a great option for you to visit!


  • To the 5 men willing to take on this recon mission
  • James, 9 year old battling 3rd round of cancer
  • Pax traveling