Tower Power

Mozi lap around the bridges, Nur and kerioke.

Warmup SSH, Strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circles and bad back stretches.

The Thang

We took advantage of Sniper hill and conducted a “DORA”.  The Pax paired up and ran from the bottom of the tower up to the gate at top of Sniper hill and performed 10 air squats while the other partner was at the bottom of the hill doing the following exercises…..

100 burpees

250 LBCs

200 air squats

175 crunchy frogs

Finally, we wrapped up w a 7 which included Big boy sit ups and Merkins.



Stage Coach is on a journey, plz tap into his 30 day march daily.

Banjos new grandchild! Praise and prayers.

Prayers for all the first responders including medical and anyone who has to face people all day and be exposed.

Thanks for allowing me to Q(lead)!!!!!!

JD out