Tired of being in the Man Cave

QIC: Lancelot         Unconditional Weather Pending, which we’ll Surrender to

***Pre- Run 10 Miles  3:44 AM


Tired of being cooped up in your Man Cave these past months?   Here we go!   I found this exercise routine called the Cave Work from the nation. It’s 3 Thangs for time.

Setting the Tone

400m mosey, Agitators, Arm circles, Imperial Walkers, SSH

The Thangs

Thang 1:

10 yard broad jump, 5 burpees, 10 big boy sit ups, 15 squats

Bernie Sanders (run backwards the entire 50 yards) back to the start

200m Mosey

Rinse and repeat the above 5X for time


Thang 2

50 V-ups

100 Monkey Humpers

150 Mountain climbers (1/2 each leg)

Lunge walk 25 yds out/back 25 reps

200m Mosey


Thang 3:

Lonely Dora

50 Merkins

100 LBCs

150 squats

200m Mosey




E2k (elbow to knee, oblique crunch, 30 each side)


Circle of Trust


Memorial Day : Monday AP 7am  – “Murph”  honor Navy Lt Michael Murphy

GrowRuck KC, Kansa City : Registration opens up this weekend. August 2020  Registration transfers

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary : January 15-17, 2021    Wilmington, NC

Congratulations Banjo & Bullwinkle on your new  baby & Grandbaby



Quickdraw, Rowdy & Caleb, Lori , & Sarah,   Ispy on his professional Endeavors

Stage Coach is on a journey, plz tap into his 30 day march daily.

Prayers for all the first responders including medical and anyone who has to face people all day and be exposed.

Military & law Enforcement

Pax who are facing challenging times within themselves and  well being.


 I’m thankful for the warmer days. thankful we have a group of men willing to take on challenges and do hard things. Thankful that there’s redemption in this world and anxiously await it for all of us. Thankful we as F3 Brothers stand by each other on whatever the World throws at us. and on that note, I wanted to share this quote from CS Lewis:

“We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”

Things aren’t always as we want them. Stay steadfast in trust. He is still in control. And keep getting up in the morning.

“early” – Lancelot    What a difference a year makes. Thank you all for making the last year on of the best years of my life.  I am truly Blessed and proud to call F3 Suncoast my home. 

“if a man hasn’t told you this Today… I Love you Man”      and with that…..I Gahhhhhhhhht to GO