Total Destruction

Friday, July 17th Benderson Park Tower

75F with 95% humidity

23 HIM in attendance

QIC = Sir Wallace

Pax = Bing, BP20, Cavallino, Pudge, Chum, Zeus, Steel, SnapShot, Tex, Goob, BigMac, Trump, ChiliPepper, Brutus, Clutch, Lancelot, HangTen, StageCoach, Props, TopSecret, CrabCakes, Manziel


Pep talk with 5 core principles, Mosey lap, warmup exercises including peter Parkers, typewriter Merkins, pickers, SSH, Abe Vigodas, Phelps, arm circles, Holyfields, squat holds



Using the large stepped area, form 2 lines, one along lower and along the upper ledges with enough spacing between pax.

Everyone does 20 declined Merkins, 20 v-ups, 20 tricep dips, 20 flutter kicks,  then the lower level runs around base of tower and repeats same exercises but on the other level. Same with Upper level, jail breaks tower and returns to do same exercises. Rinse & repeat ?

Cool down:

Regrouped on 2nd floor deck. Round of marys – Lancelot, clutch, crabcakes, Bing (regrettably tested new Type of Merkin on group) BP20 and Zeus, all contributed to round.



– Slack channel now live, look for invites and how to video.

– Monday 4mile night run location TBA

– Sunday 6am Sasquatch Ruck event at Benderson Park


– F3 Suncoast in the GoRuck by 45 mins thanks to Lancelot and Clutch

– team Steak and Eggs currently in the lead on the guava tour


– we lift up Gary Tibbits who is battling a severe case of the COVID virus

– to the medical staff and hospital personnel on the front lines of this pandemic

Todays Message:

Lord God, forgive us our sins… both knowingly and unknowingly, for our bad intentions and for the good things we failed to do. Jesus help us carry our cross through the muck and the mire as we look forward to your kingdom with confidence we will overcome this world as you proven. Holy Spirit fill our hearts with kindness and our minds with wisdom. We ask this through your son, Christ Jesus. Amen.