“Time out . . . oh, Looks like they’re bringing in a Substitution”

*** Due to injuries, Sir Wallace was unable to fulfill his duties as the current reigning “Q”, therefore an HIM was able step up to continue the obligations of the Q for the remaining duration of the Beatdown.

QIC:  Lancelot    w/ Olympus on Warm-ups

AO: Adventure Park, LWR 

When: 08/22/2020



PAX:    Chilipepper, Sweetpepper, Pyro, Posh, BP20, Redcard, Olympus, Hammerhead,  Big Mac, Lobstah, Drake, Spackler, 

Number of Pax: 14        Number of FNGs: 1   –  “Hammerhead”



This is a free workout, open to all men, rain or shine.

It is peer led group in a rotating fashion. Ends in a Circle of Trust.

I am not a professional. Modify as needed

Warm-O-Rama: Q’ ed by Olympus

Mosey:    Around Park and back to the Echo Chamber

Various Exercises to build running techniques and posture.

The Thang

Perform the required set of exercises ————>       run to the other side & perform 10 Burpees,  ——–>  then return

After each full set of the specified exercise has been fulfilled, run a lap around the outside of the Chamber. —-> on to the next exercise

***one can do the whole set of the required exercise or break it down into intervals with the required 10 burpees after each interval, until the full required set of exercises have been done. Keep in mind, the more intervals, the more burpees.

100 squats     90 LBCs     80 Carolina drydocks     70 Freddie Mercuries   60 Merkins

50 Flutter kicks     40 Lunges    30 Big Boys     20 Imperial Walkers     10 American Hammers


Circle of Trust

FNG:  Mateo  “Hammerhead”

Iron Pax Challenge starts Tomorrow,  Sign Up! Work-out posted on Sundays,   Friday/Saturday work-outs w/ Chillipepper

GrowRuck Alamo is pushed back to April 2021. Louisville is “on the fence”, but will know next week. Lancelot will be in on that discussion, due to the idea of having the (2) postponed Growrucks possibly scheduled before our FL Growruck and how it will impact our planning and attendance.

F3 10th Anniversary still open for registration.



Praises: To “Cancel” and the Clearwater guys on their initiative and motivation with their progress with their new week day AOs and to “Ricky Bobby” on his efforts and passion for the beginnings of a new AO in Sebring, F3 Heartland.

Prayers: Drake’s sons, Sir Wallace, Bing, Teachers, School Administrators, Military, Medical Specialist, First Responders, Law Enforcement, Farmers, and to the F3 brothers facing their own challenges, physical and mentally.


“After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”

Nehemiah 4:14


Always Blessed & Honored…    “Life’s good, you should get one.”-Lancelot