The young bucks crushed it!!!

8 charging hard and no surrendering today?

Mosey to the bridge for a circle up.

The warmup

40 SSHs

10 Merkins

30 LBCs


Ran down the hill for 11s

11 merkins run up the hill 1 LBC repeato until 11s

Team up for a fun run

Round 1

1st man runs backwards for 4 light poles the other man does merkins until he gets back

Round 2

Run backwards 5 light poles the other waits doing flutter kicks

Round 3

Run six light poles backwards the other man Carolina dry docks

Mosey to the playground

Round 1

teamed up for Ball smokers and dips for 10 reps

Round 2

Ball smokers and incline merkins

Round 3

Ball smokers and decline merkins

Final round

low crawl under the playground 4 times

Indian people run back to the flag!!!

Wow the young bucks eat our breakfast this AM they crushed it.   I through everything but the kitchen sink at them. With no avail to grunting or yelling to 30-60-90s it takes the fun out of it.

I can’t say enough how the young men of F3 showed up today!! All four crushed the AO

Look for a repelling fundraiser link that will be posted to help trouble youth from one of our young Pax members.

It was a pleasure to lead today thanks fellas so showing up!!


Flash over and out…