The Wild side


AO= Heritage Harbour

Weather = 77F thunder clouds 91% humidity, no rain

HIM = Goob, Mr. Clean, Q= Sir Wallace

Warm up: SSH, in place high knees, butt kickers, strawberry pickers, plank calf stretches, jog in place arm circles and Michael Phelps

Wild Thang!

Run one lap around entire lake 1.5 miles

Ten station stops along the way performing 10 reps of 5 exercises total = 500 reps

Merkin swimmer

Dying bug 10 each side

Jump lunges 10 each leg

Carolina Dry docks

Peter Parker 10 each side


noted: we managed to spook a gator into the lake and narrowly avoid an encroaching raccoon.


Today’s message:

God, give us vision and strength to recognize our faults and become better role models for our youth.

Announcements: swim AO on Monday’s at Savanna after the AP beatdown

Praises: for all Pax rising early to push their physical limits in the gloom.

Prayers: may our Lord God be with our children as they return to school and for those kids less fortunate, in hostile homes, that they get the help they need.