The struggle is real.

Today’s message:

May our creator see us through the struggles in this life. With the Holy Spirit within, let us willfully endure challenges knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and through Him, we too will overcome, with peace of mind that we are almost home.

PAX = Chilipepper, Goob, Ripken, Stagecoach,  Trump, Wolverine, Olympus, BigMac, McNugget, Posh

Q= Sir Wallace



Mosey around parking lot, butt kickers, high knees, karaokes, nur, 10 strawberry pickers, 2 mins invisible jump rope, 10 walk out Merkins,  10 toy soldiers, 20 mountain climbers, 20 American climbers



At starting point, perform 50 Freddy mercury, then sprint 100 yards, perform 50 Merkins, army crawl 15 yards, perform 50 SSH, then sprint another 100 yards, perform 50 dry docks, bear crawl 15 yards to start, perform 50 Freddy Mercury’s, then rinse/repeat.  adding 50 Jump Squats rinse/repeat. Add 50 burpees, rinse/ repeat. Finally, add 50 LBC’s then one more 100 yard dash.

Total count:

Merkins / dry docks / burpees = 450

Freddy Mercury’s/ LBC’s = 300

SSH / squat jumps = 250

Sprints = 900 yards or 1/2 mile

army crawl/ bear crawl = 120 yards




Announcements: join a bible plan, get involved in weekly zoom bible studies Wed. and Sat. Tonight is the panther ridge evening trail run 8a – 10p

Praises: always give thanks to God, Encourage one another

Prayers: lift up our F3 brother Sparky and his family as they battle through the devastating loss of his younger brother. Special Intentions for Chilipepper’s brother in law diagnosed with COVID-19 in Chile