I’m 12, aren’t you lucky

VQIC- Jackrabbit

Pax- Goob, TBD post workout

After the disclaimer is stated and the chatter begins, we’ll mozy the parking lot and include butt kickers, carioca, high knees, and NUR.  Once back, the PAX will circle up and perform the following in cadence:

  • 10 Strawberry Pickers
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • 10 arm circles (OYO- front and back)

Now that the soft stuff is done and your old man muscles are loose (kind of), the PAX will head down to the base of the tower.  Bring your water bottle and a puke cup, you might need it.  Let the thang commence.

The Thang:  LADDER of 5 EXERCISES up to 12

-Perform 1 of each, then run around the base of the tower.  Once back, 2 of each and then run.  Repeat up the ladder to 12.  Pretty simple….. right?

  1. Burpees
  2. Plank Jack
  3. Salsa Dips
  4. LBC
  5. Merkins

No big deal.  Oh, except the occasional call for a jailbreak.

EC:  if time permits, there is a trick or three up my sleeve….


  • First responders, especially Defib
  • Lori and Sarah
  • Goob’s buddy Ben is in hospital with possible blood infection
  • TBD

Thanks for celebrating my 12th birthday.

JR out