The Lucky Few

Date: 03/21/20

  • AO: Virtual
  • Virtual QIC: Recall
  • Weather Forecast: (7AM) 64-degrees, 99% humidity, 10% chance of rain

Our Core Principles

  1. F3 is free of charge
  2. F3 is open to all men
  3. F3 is held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. F3 is led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  5. F3 ends with a Circle of Trust

Our Mission

To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Our Credo

Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

Exercise Glossary

We’ll be doing a lot of different exercises in today’s Beat Down.  If you aren’t familiar with one, be sure to check out the F3 Exicon: CLICK HERE

The Thang

Today is March 21st, or 3/21.  This is a special day in my household, as we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.  Today’s Beat Down is in honor of my son, Jacob, and all of the other people out there who were born with a little something extra.  They are the Lucky Few.

Thank you for joining me today, albeit from a distance.  I hope this Beat Down kicks your butt!



  •  We will be purchasing the remaining supply of Girl Scout cookies (200 boxes) from a local troop who has been left unable to sell them due to the Coronavirus.  We will be delivering them thru Defib to his courageous staff at Sarasota Memorial Hospital.  Step up and support this cause: CLICK HERE

Prayer Requests

  • Ripken’s M, and Train’s M as they both battle breast cancer
  • The Westbrook family who tragically lost their son, Vinnie, due to a freakish pool accident
  • Our brother Quickdraw who is in the hospital battling separate infections in his leg and lungs.  He is considered high risk for COVID-19 as well.
  • Our brother I Spy whose son is in NICU, and who is looking for a job
  • Defib and all of the brave medical professionals who are working so hard, and so heroically for us all
  • For our Military, First Responders, and Volunteers who are on the front lines to keep us safe
  • For each other, within this group, and across our planet as we persevere against COVID-19 and its aftermath

Thanks for enabling me to lead you in this morning’s Beat Down, men!  It’s an honor.  Stay well, be safe, have Faith…and remember to keep smiling!


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