Pre-blast for Monday Beatdown – We Will Rise Again

Our country was built on the backs of men and women who came here with little to nothing. They came for the adventure and the opportunity.  They often came not even speaking the language.  They came to escape persecution for their faith and risked it all for a better life for their families. Today Pax, I ask you to reach back in time to grab some of that energy from those immigrants from 400 years ago.  Or to the immigrant who came to our doorstep only 4 weeks ago…when every other country longed to be as great as the United States. We will rise again…

As you rise today, say a prayer of Thanksgiving for God’s greatness, and ask for His will, not your own, to be done. Give thanks for the daily bread you have. Ask for forgiveness for those you’ve wronged. And lastly pray that Satan is banished from your life, the Pax’s lives and all those you touch. Repeat this as you look at the stars, clouds and all the wonders around you…soak it up. No virus, or other worldly struggles, can take away this splendor.

Today’s beatdown is a combo platter of cardio moves, run(ck)ing, and core bombs. Please send all complaints to:  Disclaimer: If you hurt yourself, you can also send summons to: If you wake up the dogs, your wife is PO’d, and you have no place to sleep tonight, contact:  And if you need some good one-liners about Bing or representation against Bing, contact: john.burgess@manzielforpresident.

F3’s Five Core Principles:

  1. Open to all men
  2. Free of charge (except for all the stuff we buy)
  3. Held outdoors, rain or shine (unless your in your garage)
  4. Led by peers (all equally lacking any training knowledge)
  5. Ends in a Circle of Trust (virtually if necessary)

Warm up:

  1. Jacks Series – all IC with 10 reps normal pace, 10 fast
    1. SSH + 1 Get Up
    2. Push Jacks + 2 Get Ups                 (same as SSH, but hands push up)
    3. Seal Jacks + 3 Get Ups                   (straight arms hands in front like a seal)
    4. Cross Jacks + 4 Get Ups                (right foot goes in front, right hand goes up to follow, switch sides)
    5. Richard Simmons + 5 Get Ups     (right hand goes down, right foot comes up, switch sides)
    6. Ho Downs + 6 Get Ups                   (push hands down in between legs while jumping legs up/down from side to side)
  2. Strawberry Pickers – 10 reps IC + 7 Get Ups
  3. Imperial Walkers – 10 reps IC + 8 Get Ups
  4. Toy Soldiers – 10 reps IC + 9 Get Ups
  5. Merkins – 10 reps IC + 10 Get Ups

The Thang Part One: (pick one) 10 minutes OYO:

  • Low intensity – Walk fast, every 50 yards, Do 1 Get Up
  • Medium intensity – Ruck, every 50 yards, Do 2 Get Ups
  • High intensity – 100 yard sprints + 3 Get Ups, then jog back + 3 Get Ups, repeat
  • CSAUP Worthy – Bear Crawl 25 yards, then Sprint 75 yards + 4 Get Ups (no jogging back)

The Thang Part Two: – (grab your ruck, if you have one, or just grab something)

  1. 50 Salsa Dips, double time 50 yards and back
  2. 50 Tricep Dips, double time 50 yards and back
  3. 50 Step Up Knee Up, 25 each leg, double time 50 yards and back (two household steps or car bumper)
  4. 50 Clean/Jerk with ruck, double time 50 yards and back

Core Bombs (Ruck on)

  1. 15 Plank Twists each side (plank then twist so hip touches grab)
  2. 30 Pickle Pointers (on hands and feet, thrust like it’s your honeymoon)
  3. 45 American Hammers
  4. 60 second Plank on hands
  5. 60 second Plank on elbows


  • We delivered a ton of cookies to SMH to both help out the Girl Scouts and bless the medical staff.  Click here to check it out.
  • Virtual 2nd F will happen this week on Wednesday at 6:00.  Backdraft to provide details.
  • Virtual 3rd F Bible study going on Wednesday at 7:00.  Sparky to provide details.
  • Weekly Challenge:
    • Call one F3 brother each day and catch up (not text or email).
    • Reach out to another F3 brother you don’t know as well with words of encouragement.  (You can do this via Facebook Messenger, text or email if you have their info or on a GroupMe instant message.)


  • Pray for our country. Pray for our leaders. Pray for those unemployed. Pray for courage to share your testimony with those who need it.
  • Prayers for Sarah and Lori.
  • Prayers for our First Responders and military.  Praises for our National Guard who may soon be called to action.
  • Praises for all the blessings we have, praises for the knowledge that we will persevere, praises for our future which is bright.

Lord, I lift up my eyes to you.  I ask that you empty me of me and fill me with more of you.  I pray that we rise up as believers and share our faith and hope with those that have little.  Lord, with you we can do all things; you can make good out of any situation. Thank you for my F3 brothers.  Thank you for the opportunity to be an American, to be part of the greatest country in the world.  Help us to rise up to this challenge, to be a positive force for change and to give others a reason to smile and tackle their day. It’s in Jesus name I pray. Amen.