Surrendering to the morning wood again!

A Blast of  Sarasota Cold Front

70° and Crisp, cool breeze

5  Pax for the 5 Core Principles

Mozzi & Warm Up

Mozzi included High Knees, Keriokies

SSH, Windmills, Stretches, Strawberry pickers

Down to Business…

*** Disclaimer, Since todays Pax wasn’t present for Aquaman’s VQ, I thought I’d share the wealth to those today. Thanks Aquaman


1st Round- 20 each:    w/ wood in hand…

Lunge w/ a Twist, Kayakers, Diamond Merkins

Run: to end of parking lot (unlike Aquaman’s  long run,  this is a short run,   Lancelot: ” enough w/ this running crap stuff”


2nd Round – Repeat 1 st Round, than  to 2nd Round

20 Each:  Squats, Calf Raises, Peter Parker Merkins ( Had to go to P.P’s Web site to see how he did it)


3rd Round – Repeat 1 st & 2nd Round than  to 3rd Round

20 Each:  Reverse Lunges w/ wood over head, Over head Claps, Baby Cobras


4thd Round – Repeat Previous Rounds than  to 4th Round

20 Each: Imperial Walkers, LBCs, Scissor kicks

Non- beatdown related Message:

Prayers, whether big or small, will be answered. I sometimes debate if I should pray for something, to me, may be insignificant to those around me, who may have much larger needs. It doesn’t matter, God will be there for you, you just have to reach out to him.

COT-  top of the 6th hour

Upcoming races, Boo Run, Care 2 Tri, Savage, St Pete Run Fest

Salvation Army Christmas Party : Dec 12th, Need Q

A stranger asked us for monetary help, so we prayed for/with him for his needs and spiritual growth

Prayers for Papa Smurf, Snapshot, First Responders, Military, and those Fellow F3 Brothers challenged w/ their own battles in life.


 as Always, I love the fellowship with you guys, and honored to start the day by leading you this work out. Blessing to you and have a Great day!    – Lancelot