Aquaman VQ – No Running with Morning Wood

Temp 76 Deg & Humid

Mozzi & Warmup

Mozzi consisted of 2 laps with High Knees, Butt Kickers, and Keriokies

20 SSH

20 Strawberry Pickers

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

20 Imperial Walkers

Ladder Workout

4 Rounds x 3 Exercises x 20 Reps w/ a 6/10 Mile Run in Between Rounds

Round 1 – Lunge w/ Twist, Kayakers, & Diamond Merkins

Round 2 – Round 1 + Deep Squats, Calf Raises, Merkin Peter Parkers

Round 3 – Round 1, 2 + Reverse Lunges, Overhead Claps, Baby Cobras

Round 4 – Round 1,2,3 + Imperial Walkers, LBC, Scissors Kicks (Not completed due to time and the PAX didn’t complain once about the running)

Praise & Prayers

Trump – Praise to F3 as a whole for the positive impact made on him and his 2.0 since moving