Started with Shooting Stars ended with Shooting Pain

Started the morning off with a Mosy around the parking lot with some High Knees, Butt Kicks and Karaoke’s.

While jogging over to the Basketball court we noticed a shooting star racing across the morning sky. Pretty Cool

Suicides were in order for this Wed morning on the basketball courts.

Started off with forward suicides touching the foul line, half court, foul line and end line

1 Minute of Shoulder Taps

Round of backward suicides

1 minute of Merkins

Forward suicides

1 minute of LBC’s

Backwards suicides

1 minute of SSH


Headed to the center circle for a circle of pain

While one did 10 Merkins the rest held plank position rotating around the circle till everyone had their turn at Merkins

2 rounds of Side Hip Raisers while the others held side planks.


Jogged to far end of the packing lot for some more fun and excitement.

Using the poles in the parking lot for some more cardio, we weaved thru them for 4 “rest” stops in each directions for the following exercises

20 Windmills (160 total)

20 Imperial Walkers (160 total)

20 Prisoner Squats (160 total)


With more time to burn we job once around the parking lot to cool down followed by a round of Mary with the following

Mountains Climbers



and 3 others that I cannot remember 🙂

We ended with a circle of trust and prayers for those that are battling cancer and other illnesses.