Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire

Weather was warm

QIC: Backdraft

YHC gave the disclaimer and started with a mosey around the parking lot while doing butt kickers, and karaoke.


SSH that YHC made a 2 count and then lost count.

Strawberry pickers x 15

The thang

Ring of Fire is the thang inspired by Bing post.  There were 8 exercise and 8 PAX.

Here were the 8 exercises and yes merkins were next to Burgess! 🙂 Each exercise was for 1 minute and then we each rotated to the next exercise.






-Shoulder taps

-Flutter kicks

-Moroccan night clubs

We did 4 rounds of this and ended with a round of Mary.



Sept 9th-Ronald McDonald house

Ragnar update


Crab cakes mother in law

Injured PAX

Traveling PAX.

I appreciate all of you who were there and the fun mumble chatter and laughs!!!

God bless.
