Richard Simmons Until Sir Wallace Does…

Q dude – Ripken

Pax in virtual attendance-  special guest appearance by FuzzyMoto from Seattle (4:00 am there boys)

5 Core Principles:

  1. It don’t cost nuttin’, but you can buy lots of crap you don’t need.
  2. It ain’t inside, that’d be studit when the M is sleepin’. That’d kill your chances.
  3. Everybody gets a turn. Reminds me of a chick I “knew” back in Rushville.
  4. Men…no broads, no metrosexuals, no tuckers.  If you’re not sure, stay home.
  5. We pray, sometimes a lot.


Appetizer –

  • Richard Simmons until……… Sir Wallace does 50 Merkins
  • Salsa Dips until………………… Chilipepper does 20 Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers until…….Bing does 40 Pickle Pointers
  • Tricep Dips until ……………….Manziel does 30 Hello Dollys
  • 2 Minute run for 120 seconds.

Starter Course –

Broga w/ Ripken

  • Sun Salutations
  • Warrior Series

Entree –

10 fer 1 (one minute, max cardio, no rest between)

  • Breakdancers    
  • Salsa Dips           
  • LBCs                     
  • Moroccan Night Clubs 
  • Power Knees       
    • 30 second break
  • Merkins    
  • 123 Heismans               
  • Mountain Climbers 
  • Ski Jumps                  
  • Burpees      
    • Sun Salutation break

*Repeat 3 more times, with a twist on rounds 2 & 4

Dessert –

  • Jab/Cross until………………TBD
  • Hook/Uppercut until……..TBD


There will be a “celebration of life” for any Pax that don’t survive immediately following the beatdown.  In lieu of flowers, please send donations to SRQ Wealth.

Additional prayers for our country, our families, jobs, Sad Clowns in our midst, missing Pax, First Responders, Defib, anyone sacrificing for us to get through this crap, my ankle, your aching “X”, and Bing’s hemorrhoids. Lots of love for how blessed we are and the door to heaven that Jesus has opened for us.

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