QSource | Q1.12 Meeting

QSource | Q1.12 Meeting

Weather | 82° F | Humidity 51% | Wind: 5mph ESE

4 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.12: Meeting. If anyone feels inclined to lead one these discussions there is a signup sheet on the Q schedule.

Q1.12 | Meeting


The Public Manifestation Of Faith


Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


  • Is there something to be gained through corporate worship?
  • Is there any relationship between Leadership and attendance at church?
  • Are pastors affected by who is sitting in their pews?


Faith is best Accelerated in the company of others

  • However he seeks answers to the WHAT-WHAT, the HIM does not go about it alone.
  • The HIM knows all these reasons not to Meet (and many others), yet he persists in doing so because he also knows that Meeting has a Purpose of its own that has little to do with his Happiness and everything to do with the Outcome for which he is responsible as a Leader.
  • The odd thing that a HIM discovers when he summons the discipline to Meet despite being in a valley is that there will be inevitably be a man there for whom the valley is an even darker and deeper place.
  • The Joy of forgetting oneself in service of another surpasses all understanding. It is the foundation of Hope.

To leave a legacy, a man must be competent in the practice of his Belief System

  • To be competent in one’s Faith requires Skill, which results from Practice—practical application that turns head-knowledge into heart-knowledge.
  • A Virtuous Leader is an Effective Leader who also possesses the Leadership Virtues, which are the Habits and Ethics of moral excellence.
  • A man who is an Effective Leader will be followed while he physically present to apply direct and Proximate influence.
  • However, for his influence to outlast
    his lifetime requires a Legacy, and only a Virtuous Leader will create that through the consistent application the Leadership Skills in a manner that is both guided and governed by his Belief System.

Meeting holds the shepherd Accountable to the truth

  • Candor is graciously telling the hard Truth and demanding to hear it from others. It is one of the Leadership Virtues.
  • Without Candor, a man cannot be a Virtuous Leader.
  • Candor is a rare quality, because people are hard-wired to avoid the adverse consequences that often arise from knowledge of the Truth, whether it is their own knowledge
    or the knowledge of those around them.
  • Shepherds are charged with the duty to disclose the Truth of the Group’s Belief System to its Members.
  • The absence of HIMs in the pews leads the Shepherd to grow timid in his willingness to speak boldly and provide Truth to his flock.


  • Faith is best Accelerated in the company of others
  • To leave a legacy, a man must be Competent in the practice of his Belief System
  • Meeting holds the shepherd Accountable to the truth

Homework for 5/25

Thoughts for the week:

  • Are we alive for a reason outside of our own existence?
  • What happens to a man who lives primarily for himself?
  • Is there an intrinsic benefit in living for others?