QSource | F5 Preparedness

QSource | F5 Preparedness

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3 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. Due to the Bridge a Life 5k, the turnout was lighter than usual. Thank you Toe Jam for posting! Even if you have never posted to a 3rd F study before, now is a good time to get started. There are backblasts posted every week, so it is easy to follow along and get caught up if you miss some weeks.

This morning we concluded the foundational principles of leadership with: F5 Preparedness.

Foundation | F5 – Preparedness


Getting Ready for the Expected While Being Ready for the Unexpected


Ezekiel 38:7 (NIV) Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them.


  • Does a man’s need to be prepared change over time?
  • Is preparedness a mind set or a process?
  • What drives a man’s desire to be prepared?


There are four quadrants of preparedness: get right, live right, lead right and leave right

  • F3 is an organization of Leaders rather than an organization with Leaders
  • Some outcomes are envisioned beforehand by the leader, while others are unexpected
  • The Leader must be prepared for unexpected outcomes to be effective
  • Q1 – Get Right
    • To properly align himself a Leader takes the Daily Red Pill (the DRP). This is his daily commitment to accelerate his fitness, fellowship and faith.
  • Q2 – Live Right
    • To be purposeful a Leader focuses on IMPACT. This is the forcible contact to strong effect that he will have on the other Members of his Groups if his personal alignment is proper.
  • Q3 – Lead Right
    • To practice virtuous leadership, the properly aligned and purposeful Leader continually hones the skills he needs to enable his Communities to be healthy, his Organizations to be Effective and his Teams to be dynamic.
  • Q4 – Leave Right
    • To build a legacy, the aligned and purposeful Leader exerts Disruptive leadership with IMPACT throughout his lifetime and beyond.

The process of Preparedness is deliberate and sequential

  • Each quadrant provides the foundation for the one succeeding it.
  • A Leader cannot Live Right if he has failed to first Get Right
  • A Leader cannot Leave Right if he did not Lead Right
  • The QPoints form broad Guardrails that encourage a HIM to develop his own path to Preparedness by providing as little structure to the effort as necessary.
  • Each QPoint is organized into five components that are designed to convey the essence of the QPoint and make it sticky and and easy to pass along within a Group’s LDP.
    • Statement: the organizing principle of the QPoint. The Statement provides the QPoint’s definition and reason for its inclusion in the quadrant.
    • Scripture: a verse of wisdom that exemplifies the Statement and demonstrates the timeless nature of the leadership concept that it represents.
    • Socratic: three questions designed to elicit thought and discussion about the QPoint.
    • Synthesis: a short essay expounding and explaining the QPoint. Sometimes it will tell a story. Sometimes it will be more thematic. The Synthesis broadens the principle provided by the Statement and provides practical examples of its application.
    • Spur: three concise takeaways from the QPoint. They serve as points on the HIM’s emotional compass that help him stay on the proper azimuth under the stress incumbent from an unexpected Outcome.

Love is the accelerant of Preparedness

  • Preparedness requires both the knowledge that change is required and the willingness to make it happen.
  • Heart change requires passion, and by that we mean the willingness to suffer through the obstacles that always appear in the path of any Movement toward Advantage.
  • If a Leader does not love the people he leads more than he loves himself he cannot put their interests above his own.

“For nothing a man attains in his life has any value whatsoever until the very moment that he freely gives it away. That is the moment he transitions from being merely a Leader into being a virtuous Leader who will leave a legacy.”


  • There are four quadrants of preparedness: Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right and Leave Right
  • The process of Preparedness is deliberate and sequential
  • Love is the accelerant of Preparedness

Homework for 2/23

Thoughts for the week:

In a man’s pursuit of change in his life, is there anything that must occur first? Who does the unfit man serve? Does service to others require a man to abandon service to himself?