Pre-Ragnar beatdown

QIC: Olympus

Weather: a crisp 56F with very little wind (no complaints here)

Although it was not easy to get out of the warm, cozy bed, the benefit of sharing 45 min with other HIM was so worth the effort. The Central Park gang (Mogsby, Denali, Archie, and Olympus) got going at 5am.

Warm Up: Took a little extra time to warm up, the pax may be feeling those hip flexors tomorrow.

  • Mosey Jog one lap. Second lap with drills (side shuffle, karaoke, skips, backward run, backward skip)
  • Dynamic stretching: Knee to chest, heel to but stretch, walking hamstring stretch, bear crawl. After each of these exercises a “40 meters stride” to loosen up the legs.
  • Lunge progression (forward, side, backward).After each of these exercises a “40 meters stride” to loosen up the legs.
  • High knees, butt kicks, A skip, B Skip, Karaoke.  After each of these exercises a “40 meters stride” to loosen up the legs.

3 Stations (5 exercises, 1 min each)

  • Narrow stance merkins; standing lunges with twist; push with legs in bench; American Hammer; up/down with arms and legs (germans)
    • 10 burpees,
    • run 1 Ragnar “yellow” lap (aka, short lap)
  • Carolina Dry Dogs; squat jumps; Moroccan night club; mountain climbers; open close arms and legs (germans)
    • 10 burpees,
    • run 1 Ragnar “green” lap (aka, medium lap)
  • Half squat position (jump between wide and narrow stance), jump to plank and back to half squat position; squat jump, sit on bench and legs up; dips; 3 merkins, 10 mountain climbers; long swim
    • 10 burpees,
    • run 1 Ragnar “red” lap (aka, long lap)

Finished with 2×75 meters strides at a comfortable pace to work on running mechanics and flush down the junk fom the legs.


Prayers for those baby Ivy that her situation with the parents and custody battle resolves for the best of the child. Prayers for Devi (hope I remembered the name right) as she goes through brain cancer. Prayers for those running the Ragnar race that they stay away from injuries and accident-free during the runs.

Praise for Mrs Kelly that she is recovering well!