Got the Juices Flowing

QIC: Chilipepper

A bit of a mixed bag in preparation for Ragnar!  Let’s get the Juices Flowing!

9 Pax in attendance: Stage Coach, Trump, Rowdy, ShamWow, Manzel, Drake, Sparky, and FNG Panther!

Weather, not to cold, not to hot, just right for a Chilipepper beatdown!

Covered the 5 Core Principles and proceeded to the Mozy. Nur, nur ttub srekcik, nur hgih seenk, side shuffles converging on a cycle up proceeding with SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Left, right and Middle stretches





Main Course – Dora.  – Tag Team Circuit

  • Team A
    • 100 – Man Makers
    • 150 – Masonry Swings
    • 200 – Uneven Merkins
    • 250 – LBCs
    • 300 – Clean and Jerk w/Coupon
    • 350 – Masonry Squats
  • Team B
    • 600 ft dash

Over 3 miles completed, and you did not even feel it….!

  • Announcements
    • Ragnar coming up!
    • Brutus Q of salvation army Dec 12th.  Background checks needed. Ask for John, he has large hands.
    • Ronald McDonald House, Dec 17th.  Mr Clean on Q!
  • Prayer Requests
    • Shamwow surgery Monday
    • Manzel Ms longboat key Triathlon and work friend fighting cancer.
    • Pincher’s health