Pre-Blast April 9, 2020 A Late: “National Beer Day” …Colt 45? Miller Time? Stein Hoisting?

***  Coupon is required   

A Ruck, Bucket of bricks, Concrete Block, etc


QIC on tap: Lancelot

The Q  w/ anticipation of the weather all night long with Humidity & Moon light skies in the forecast, but as the morning came the Great Sky Q blessed us with clear skies & mid 70 temperatures!!!!


Warm Beer anyone?     “warm up”

  • Capri Lap                                – Short mosey
  • 10 Abe Vigodas                      – slow windmills
  • 15 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 Good Mornings                – laying on your back, stand up w/o using hands
  • 10 Chinooks                            – Overhead Arm Circles

“It’s Miller Time”

You will complete 33 reps of each Exercise Pair  (down below)

Then sprint out the end of your driveway with coupon drop & do Miller (Merkin) time:

11    Merkins,

11    Derkins    (Decline Merkin. Legs raised or elevated so that the push-up accents the arms),

11    Carolina Dry Docks.

then Mosey out 50 yards with coupon (3 houses) then fast mosey back with coupon


Exercises will be the following:

upper shoulder    Taps (1 each arm)

lower leg               Apollo Ono (1 each leg)


upper chest          Big Boys with coupon

lower leg               Bobby Hurley


upper bicep          Colt 45   : 15 reps go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90 degree angle and hands at elbow level). 15 reps Go from the halfway point                                                      up to the top of the bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level). 15 reps Start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up

lower leg               Rocky Balboa (1/2 each foot) : Start near a curb/raised element, and with  rhythmic motion, alternately tap the toe from each foot on the curb. exercise scene between Rocky and Drago in Rocky IV.


other shoulder     Were not worthy :      Wayne’s World. ” With arms extended outward, lower and raise arms. , it’s a front raise other bicep

Biceps                    Coupon curl


upper tricep         Skull crusher

lower legs             Mountain Climbers (1 each leg)


upper legs             Calf raises

other all body      Blockees:   Burpees with cinder blocks.


upper shoulder    Shoulder press

lower legs             Bonnie Blairs (1 each leg)


upper tricep         Dips

lower legs             Smurf Jacks  : Side straddle hop performed in the squat position.


upper legs             Lunges (1 each leg)

other chest           Coupon press


upper shoulder    Overhead clap

lower all-body      Burpees


lower core            Leg raises

other back            Upright row


upper back           Block swings

lower legs            Squats


“Get your  Steins ready!” –

(Coupon) Hoisting

  • Hold Stein straight out in front of you for as long as you can


We are about 3 weeks into to this long…long…long lock down.  Many of you might be starting to get out of that honeymoon phase, where you & your M are bickering, you might be yelling at the kids a little louder, or kicking the dog.  Now is the time to remember what we learned in the Q Source about “Get Right” before you can do anything else.  So ensure you are taking some quiet moments for yourself to “Get Right” & what better way than today to sneak out to your quiet back yard or basement/garage & enjoy one of your special beers to clear your head & reset.  So I leave you with this little toast.

Champagne costs too much,
Whiskey’s too rough,
Vodka puts big mouths in gear.
This little refrain
Should help to explain
Why it’s better to order a beer!


ISpy and Lukas                         *** ISpy & Hang 10 on their job searches

Sir Wallace’s Wife’s Co- worker – Bridgett                         Clutch’s Family             The Kelly Family

Chillipepper’s  Church peer : Mary Lee Wingate & Family

Chillipepper’s Co worker Freind’s Daughter : Lucy

Lori & ripkEn           Sarah & Trane           Bubble’s  son, FIFA,   and Bubble’s  foot

Special Prayers to the Dedicated Medical Specialist during this challenging time, as well as the First Responders, Law Enforcement, and our Military for protecting us and keeping us Safe


Dear Lord thank you for this opportunity to wake up early in the gloom & experience your greatness.  We are humbled for the opportunity you give us every day to be in your glory & serve you as leaders in our community.  Watch over those that are not as fortunate as many of us & give them healing & strength in their struggles.  In your name we pray.  Amen!


“Adversity is the state in which Man most easily becomes acquainted with himself, be prepared and be honest, be more concerned with your Character, than your Reputation, because your Character is what you really are,  while your reputation is merely what others think of you”  

Miss ya guys out in the Gloom, it seems like my life is nothing but “running in circles”, but what’s helping me through this is looking forward to seeing you all soon.  & on that not…” I gotta go!”    – Lancelot