Hamer Time on the Small Loop

Humid, enough said. With no one on Q this morning, YHC grabbed it last night and honored Enron with some small loop sprint repeats.  Partner up and each run in…

Old School Ride

Another Tuesday is upon us, and after a late night of listening to neighbors fireworks, the pax were ready to get after it. Trump, Pincher and Cottontail took the early…

Back to The Matrix

Blazing Saddles is trending to a 5AM start time, as YHC was the only V starting at the regular 6AM start time. The regular pleasantries were exchanged, announcements and a…

Gator Bait

78 Degrees and Humid YHC announced that we would be running the Northern Loop, 6.2 miles, and the goal was to do a warmup mile together and then to complete…

Disrupting the Bad Clown

Good Morning!  The Bad Clown was ready to go!  5:15, disclaimer and 5 core principles.   Warm-0-rama, Mozy with Butt Kickers and High Knees.  We circled the water fountain a…

Reunion of Sorts

Cottontail and YHC took the 5a launch and returned to be greeted by two cyclists we haven’t been graced with in a while…Great to see Wolverine and Pudge on two…

All Proper and Stuff

Mozy,  a round the rotunda.  High Knees, butt kickers, Nur..  Upon return we circled up and Thunder Struck.  SSH and burpee on Thunder.   We then reviewed a few basic…

No Sad Clown this Gloom

The Q was open, so YHC filled in…pretty easy, we just ride usually, lol. Mumble chatter was put in the cycling Slack channel but didn’t get much action, so when…

Cut Short

YHC grabbed this Q 2 days prior, but then found out one day prior that an early arrival at work would be required and had to be home by 6:45.…

SanFrancisco/Ripkenlines and Gridlock hill

65f and dark… oh yeah, early Chore principals and disclaimers mentioned Mozi  the usual The Warm up SSH, strawberry pickers, Merkins,Michael Phelps,arm circles and “Bad Back Stretches” The Thang  Ripken…