Olympus on Q

Weather: a crisp 53F with very little wind (no complaints here)

Although it was not easy to get out of the warm, cozy bed, the benefit of sharing 1 hour with other HIM was so worth the effort. Picked up Mogsby, Archie, Denali and an FNG (Scoober) on my way to Nolan (way to go Central Park crew!).

Warm Up: Took a little extra time to warm up, the pax may be feeling those hip flexors tomorrow.

  • Mosey Jog one lap. Second lap with drills (arm cicles, side shuffle, karaoke, skips, backward run, backward skip)
  • Dynamic stretching: Knee to chest, heel to but stretch, walking hamstring stretch, Bear walk with straight legs and heels on the ground (great posterior chain stretch).
  • Lunge progression (forward, side, backward)
  • Running mechanic drills: Butt kickers, high knees, A skip, B Skip.

Circuit Workout

In partners:

Run one lap through the parking lot.

Before run, split jumps x10 (both at same time)

One runs, one does the station. Do each station twice.


  1. Burpees
  2. Merkins
  3. Germans (open/close arms and legs)
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. American Hammers


Prayers for those pax members going through multiple struggles after the holidays. Ripken’s wife, Train, Ben (Goob’s friend), and girl with a brain tumor. Posh and his family as he lost his dad last weekend. First responders, military and those pax dealing with addiction, health issues, demons, etc.

Welcome Scoober to the pax!